Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In what way do media and advertising work together?

Media and advertising work together in several ways, but the most important thing is that without either they would not exist. Media relies on advertisers paying for ad space and the advertisers need a place to put their advertisements. Advertisements are in every part of media, newspapers have ads all over them, quarter page, full page, half page you name it. Magazines are also full of ads, along with TV, Radio, and especially online. Advertisements in the media may be very blatant, or very subtle. The means of which they do their advertising can depend on what medium of media they wish to advertise. If the advertisement is going to air on the TV then a commercial has to be made, explaining the product while also grabbing the attention of the viewer before they switch the channel. For magazines and newspapers a still ad has to be created. This image has to grab attention and also say what they are advertising. But what is interesting is advertisement on the internet. Online, since it is a growing medium, can either have still image or video ads. Depending on the product of advertisement can change how the company wishes to portray it. For every advertisement in the world, they would not exist with out the wonderful world of the media.

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