Thursday, December 2, 2010

How does mass media shape the public’s agenda of issues?

                 The mass media shapes the public’s agenda of issues because it essentially tells the public what to think about, what is news, as well as what is acceptable and unacceptable.  Society has become largely dependent on the media as a source of information and entertainment.  People are increasingly looking to the media to give them advice on what to shop for, purchase, wear, drive, eat, etc.  Different news channels tend to discuss the same stories – this creates a narrow place for a wide variety of news.  The media can also influence our decisions:  A magazine can tell girls which clothes are “in style” and which hair color suits their facial structure and a television show can display boys playing football, while girls sit on the sidelines cheering the boys on.  The media has become a source of communication; the invention of Facebook has led to a massive “Digital Revolution” and people thrive on the fact that everyone is using the internet.  The media encourages the public to use the internet and often entertainment artists and celebrities refer themselves to their websites or social networking profiles.
                The public is constantly involved in the mass media.  Consciously or unconsciously, the information the media dictates affects our beliefs, opinions, emotions, and desires.  For example, the media often depicts a skinny woman as “ideal” – this creates discussion among many different groups of people.  Whether we follow the media or not, everyone knows about this particular issue and has an opinion on it.  The media is a role model for many people, especially teenagers, whom seek advice from the things they see.  Because companies are aware of this, they public various stories promoting one’s self and the greatness of independence.  The media controls what information the public discovers and citizens seem to trust the American’s use of the media because they try to be honest and respectful in every piece of information they release to the world.

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