Thursday, December 2, 2010

In what ways do media and advertising work together?

Media and advertising have a very interconnected relationship, with media relying on advertising as a place to sell time on their programs while advertising needs media in order to spread the awareness of whatever product or business they are supporting. When a movie is being shown in theaters, the movie needs money in order to start earning back the massive amount of money they lost during production. They do this by selling time periods before the movie starts where other movies can show promotions for their film. This relationship works out, as 80 percent of people remembered ads shown before the movie when they left while the ads spur an increase in revenue of about $356 million per year.

Another example of advertising and media working together harmoniously is in media plans, which figure out the most effective way to advertise a certain product using different media outlets such as television, movies, or radio. If media had less outlets or limited a company to choosing one outlet to advertise their product, the advertising committee would have a much tougher job trying to figure out which one route would gain them the most net product. In this way, the media companies fill all their slots on all their different outlets, and the advertising companies get their message out to the optimal number of potential customers for the lease amount of money possible. Without one another, these businesses would be much less efficient and would be losing money instead of making it.

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