Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What are some mass media effects and their impacts on society

There are many theories of mass media effects but I find the cumulative theory to be the most reasonable one. Over time if we watch certain things repetitiously, those ideals become instilled in us. Just like when a parent continuously says don't do this or that, eventually you get the hint and don't do those things, it is the same with the media if you watch Dora the Explorer enough you will learn some spanish.
In campaigns, the lawn signs that are placed in peoples lawns are done in such large quantities because studies have shown that a person needs to see your name 8 times for 30 seconds to be able to remember your name...and when you are driving you don't see that sign for 30 seconds, so you see more signs being placed just so people remember your name, and may not even vote for you. This shows how media is in our everyday lives and effects everything we do.
Children are like sponges and are very susceptible to the media. If a child watches violent shows they are more likely to become violent than children who watch educational television shows. Media is always there and they impact our society from infancy to adulthood wether we like it or not. In order to stay away from the negative effects, it is always up to the person being exposed to the media to watch/read it or not.

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