Thursday, November 11, 2010

In what way do media and advertising work together?

Media is the communication of the masses. In advertising, it is all about appealing to audiences, and getting as many people as possible to know your companies names. Big companies spend billions of dollars a year on advertising, between studies for demographics and appeal to the actual broadcast. Media itself has opened up many new ways for effective advertising. Because media itself is changing everyday, the advertising changes with it. For example, because of the nature of the internet use today, the internet is now just as valuable a place for an add as television. Before the onset of heavy internet use, Television was the dominate platform for advertisment. Now with sites like facebook, they can create personalized adds dependent on a users interests. WIth the mass audiences reached with media, it is like a golden path way for companies to connect with consumers. Everyday we use the internet, television, magazines, books, and smart phones to connect with the world. For advertisers, each one of these presents a possible way to access the user. Media not only helps advertising, but advertising is dependant on media. Without the internet, television and books etc, there is no where for companies to post their advertisments that has gaurenteed viewing results. Media is the steadfast connection between companies and consumers, and they both seem to become more and more dependant on eachother every day.

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