Thursday, September 23, 2010

In What Way Has Deregulation Changed the Radio and Recording Industry?

Deregulation is when the government reduces its influence on the radio and recording industry. When the government is strongly apart of something there is a certain image that has to be kept and certain artists and songs would not be around today if the government was still heavily involved the recording and radio industries. The industry would not be where it is today if the government was still involved because music has changed and continues to change daily. Music creates a controversy in today's society because of the context and lyrics of the songs. The government still has to deal with the complaints that have to deal with recording industries and they aren't involved with the recording processes as much anymore. Radio stations also talk freely and openly about most topics, which wouldn't happen if the government was involved. Everything on talk shows would be censored and the hosts would have less freedom to talk openly about most topics that occur throughout the world. Radio has changed tremendously since its creation. It has gone through many different phases and will continue to change and adapt to the ever growing technology in the world. The government might not have let radio get to the point where it is now because like the music the radio stations play, the talk shows as well will usually address issues that are inappropriate for many listeners out there. The government would have to censor everything that is said from the talk shows, call ins, and the actual music itself. This would happen to ensure the governments credibility, if not for anything else.

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