Friday, September 10, 2010

What is Technology Dependance?

With our ever changing world, and progressive strives in technology we are able to do things never imaginable even ten years back. Mass communication relies on technology to function as a way of communication considered interpersonal communication. For a long time we use to gather in large groups or meet in different halls to hear mass communication from a persons voice without any amplification. Today we wouldn’t dream of doing any such thing as the size of the auditoriums we deal with today, microphones are a necessity.

We as a culture or society depend on technology in our every day lives for the simple reason that it is so readily available and integrated into our lives daily. To imagine what it would be like to live one day with out so much of the technology that we take for granite would be unimaginable. Everything was done a certain way in the fields of typing, printing, photography, and recording that has changed so much. We are able to do these things in such an easier fashion and take advantage of opening a laptop like I did to write this very blog.

Technology is an ever-changing trade that will always make new strives. Our society resonates harmoniously with its changes making our culture technology dependent. I wouldn’t say it is necessarily a bad thing but just how our world works in America and in most of the world.

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