Friday, September 10, 2010

Media/Technology Dependence

Its funny to think that technology was created with the purpose of being an aid. I mean look around you. Seriously, I challenge you to go to a public library or park, movie theater or grocery store and count the media around you. Dont just count it, count the amount of media each person is using. Ill use myself for an example. This morning when I woke up I turned on my computer to put on music, texted on my cell phone and listened to my ipod as I longboarded to class. Within 20 minutes I had already exposed myself to three different medias that I use almost every day without fail. Our society has evolved and changed from working with technology, to being business dependent on computers, the internet, and cell phones.

Media and technology dependence is what is shaping our generation. We are the generation that cant part with our cell phones, in fact 83% of us sleep with them. We are the generation that consumes hours and hours of media each day, which helps to form our social standards, our knowledge of current events and even our social status's. Most teenagers send thousands of text messages a month and according to many we have lost the ability to communicate face to face a healthy amount. Text messages and Instant messages have replaced our need for face to face contact, and while many still choose to go out and explore, it is completely possible to live a life in social solitude except for internet communication. Our TV net works show us our trends and what we should consider attractive, and we use the media to obsessively follow our favorite stars. Video games have become a culture, and a mutli-billion dollar industry built on living in an alternate reality. It seems that everything but nature walks and retreats into the wild are riddled with media. When our culture, business and development are all dependent on our technology, that is the definition of media and technology dependence.

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