Economics drives the world today, so why shouldn’t media companies be included in that spectrum? We are all human and let’s face it, money matters; there is even a TV show called exactly that. We are all strive for this little thing called the “American Dream” which, 100 years ago or so, was finding a nice plot of land and settling down, now its money, money, money; it comes down to the cold hard cash.
Media companies are in charge of getting news, advertising, or even supplying news to the masses. Naturally those companies need money in order to do the jobs at hand. Economics is the base of all business, you can’t start a business without the investment, and from there on you need to continue the investment, which means you need to make money to continue the company.
In conclusion, economics is a necessity for any and all businesses especially the media! There is no if and or buts about it, money drives the world, and everything in it.
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