Sunday, September 5, 2010

What is media literacy?

With technology evolving daily, media literacy is an important part of our lives because we are in the Age of Mass Media Communication. Media literacy is the understanding of mass media and the impact it has on our lives. Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly taking part in mass media. Reading the newspaper, listening to music and texting on the cell phone are all things that take up 30% of waking hours. We also engage in mass media while doing other things and this adds up to 39% of our daily lives. People may not think they are part of the mass media world but with the way we live today, there are few hours of the day that we are not involved in mass media.

Since 1980 when cable television created and media demassification excelled. Today, media is undeniable on thousands of channels with advisements every ten minutes and costing companies millions for spots during popular shows. Companies direct messages to audience of different sizes and ages. Generations who were not dependent on media at all are having to learn about new technology. Media is only a constantly growing part of society.

Media has become such a prominent part of our lives. It seems like that almost everything we do involves technology and the media. With the development of blackberries, facebook, and computers the amount of dependence and time spent involved in media is constantly increasing. If I had to guess, I would say generations to come will spend 80-90% of their daily lives caught up in media.

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