Friday, September 10, 2010

What is Technology Dependence?

In this day and age, it's rare to find someone in our society who isn't dependent on technology. Sure, some people rely on it more than others, but the majority of our nation uses a multitude of technology throughout their daily life.
Not only is technology necessary for most of us to live, but it is now the basis of most mass media. Without the convenience of computers, cell phones, email, television and much more, many companies would have a difficult time spreading word about their business.
In addition, the things which we rely on for entertainment would be drastically different if it weren't for today's technology. It's easy to pop a movie into the DVD player or blast music while taking a long drive...thanks to technology.
We've become accustomed to this lifestyle. Communication, entertainment, and advertisements would be much different and more difficult to make happen without technology. With all of the technological advances that our world has had, we've become a society that's dependent on it.

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