Friday, October 8, 2010

How have blogs and Internet changed the way news is reported?

Blogs and Internet have both greatly affected the way news is reported. With the World Wide Web ever growing it is easier, cheaper, and reaches more people to simply use a blog or online news sources. Typing up an article, or an essay, and uploading the file to a website is much easier than printing it, and distributing it to consumers. People are also more inclined to open up an online news article than to pick up a paper and read it. On top of all that, with cell phones now having the ability to access the Internet, people can read almost all news sources online on the go!

News can also be posted from anywhere at anytime from anyone! People have the ability to be more informed than ever, and it’s paperless! With everyone going green and big into green technology, using blogs and Internet makes more sense than ever.

I believe the changes being imposed on the way news is reported by blogs and internet are only going to get stronger, and things are going to stay this way, the era of the World Wide Web is here it stay.

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