Despite the newfound conviences in early 1800s life, before the internet, all news and printed public information was very controlled. In order to inform the world of your opinion, you needed to go to school to become a reporter. Then, you needed to be hired as one. Even after that, you didn't have free reign. You reported about what you were told to, and the only words produced were those certified by whichever company employed you.
The internet has durastically changed all of this. With he internet, any person in the world can write about whatever they choose. You don't need to have a degree and job, or a company to report too. All you need is some creativity and a computer. you can even create your own video reporting with websites like youtube. It gives the news industry the challenge of the word of the free people, and it gave a whole new meaning to freedom of the press. With the internet there is no censor, is no dictator and there certainly doesn't have to be an editor if you choose to produce that way. It has created the ability for anything and everything to exist in cyber space, and has created an endless flow of information for its viewers.
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