Friday, October 15, 2010

Who are the Gatekeepers in News? How Effective is Investigative Reporting?

Without the gatekeepers of news, decisions of the public would learn about would never be made. The gatekeepers are the ones who decide when and what will be announced to the world. They consist of editors, reporters, directors, or any position with the power to decide what information the public should be hearing. They decide what stories will be on the news, or in the newspaper, and when it should be published. They are a crucial part of the news industry and society's knowledge relies on them.
Investigative reporting gives the public an inside view of the story. When a reporter takes the time to research the topic and find all of the intricate details of the scenario, it gives the viewer/reader a much more developed understanding of what's actually going on. Although investigative reporting takes time, it is very beneficial to the consumers who want to know what is actually happening.

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