Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How is public relations used as a persuasive tool in communications?

Public relations is a management tool for leaders in business, government, and other institutions to establish beneficial relationships with other institutions or groups. The job of public relations people is to recommend policies to top management to make these relationships work better. PR often uses the media as a tool to accomplish it’s goals, which is why it is such a persuasive tool in communications. The influence of PR on the media is extensive. Half of the news in newspapers is statements from organizations that want something in the paper. The same goes for radio and television. Ivy Lee, a young New York publicist, vowed to be accurate in everything he said and provide whatever verification anyone requested. With that openness, credibility is established, therefore making PR very persuasive. When Woodrow Wilson was concerned about anti-WW1 sentiment, he asked a PR committee, the Creel Committee, to crank out news, posters, speakers, and many other forms of propaganda which worked in making the war a very popular cause. Everyone was united on that front of democracy that some people even bought Liberty Bonds. Clearly, PR is very persuasive in communications.

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